15c i Other Documentation that might be useful in supporting the project
Term | Explanation |
CPR | Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation – A technique to restart a disabled heart and restore breathing |
DIFW | Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, one of our sponsors |
MASAR | MAINE ASSOCIATION FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE An organization which supports the Manne Warden Service which is sanctioned by the Maine Department of Department of Fisheries and Wildlife to administer 15 Member Units for Search and Rescue in Maine by specifying train requirements for volunteer searchers and administering certifications of Units and volunteers. see: |
MASARD | A K9 S&R team within MASAR |
MOHF | Maine Outdoor Heritage Foundation, one of our Supporters |
North SAR | A nonprofit Maine corporation organized to administer S&R activities under MASAR. See http://www.northsar.org |
Ranger | A Ranger who works for Baxter State Park, one of our sponsors. |
S&R | See Search and Rescue |
SAR | See Search and Rescue |
Search and Rescue | The organized effort to look for a missing individual or group, administer emergency first aid and transport the subject(s) to a hospital for further examination and care. |
STL | Search Team Leader, a MASAR designation for an individual who has met certain training, experience and proficiency requirements. see: |
STM | Search Team Member, a MASAR designation for an individual who has met certain training, experience and proficiency requirements. see: |
Warden | A Game Warden (at the DIFW who is a Search Team Leader) who works for the Maine Warden Service |
WFR | Wilderness First Responder- Advanced S&R training valid for 3 years, requires 2 weeks of training and costs $675. |